Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add filter transmission curves?

Many projects use particular filter systems that are not general or widely used. It is easy to add a set of custom filter curves. Filter projections are handled by the sedpy code. See the FAQ there <> for detailed instructions on adding filter cirves.

What units?

Prospector natively uses maggies for both spectra and photometry, and it is easiest if you supply data in these units. maggies are a flux density (\(f_{\nu}\)) unit defined as Janskys/3631. Wavelengths are vacuum Angstroms by default. By default, masses are in solar masses of stars formed, i.e. the integral of the SFH. Note that this is different than surviving solar masses (due to stellar mass loss).

How long will it take to fit my data?

That depends. Here are some typical timings for each likelihood call in various situations (macbook pro)

  • 10 band photometry, no nebular emission, no dust emission: 0.004s
  • photometry, including nebular emission: 0.04s
  • spectroscopy including FFT smoothing: 0.05s

Note that the initial likelihood calls will be (much) longer than this. Under the hood, the first time it is called python-FSPS computes and caches many quantities that are reused in subsequent calls.

Many likelihood evaluations may be required for the sampling to converge. This depends on the kind of model you are fitting and its dimensionality, the sampling algorithm being used, and the kind of data that you have. Hours or even days per fit is not uncommon for more complex models.

Can I fit my spectrum too?

There are several extra considerations that come up when fitting spectroscopy

  1. Wavelength range and resolution. Prospector is based on FSPS, which uses the MILES spectral library. These have a resolution of ~2.5A FWHM from 3750AA - 7200AA restframe, and much lower (R~200 or so, but not actually well defined) outside this range. Higher resolution data (after including both velocity dispersion and instrumental resolution) or spectral points outside this range cannot yet be fit.
  2. Relatedly, line spread function. Prospector includes methods for FFT based smoothing of the spectra, assuming a gaussian LSF (in either wavelength or velocity space). There is also the possibility of FFT based smoothing for wavelength dependent gaussian dispersion (i.e. sigma_lambda = f(lambda) with f possibly a polynomial of lambda). In practice the smoothed spectra will be a combination of the library resolution plus whatever FFT smoothing is applied. Hopefully this can be made to match your actual data resolution, which is a combination of the physical velocity dispersion and the instrumental resolution. The smoothing is controlled by the parameters sigma_smooth, smooth_type, and fftsmooth
  3. Nebular emission. While prospector/FSPS include self-consistent nebular emission, the treatment is probably not flexible enough at the moment to fit high S/N, high resolution data including nebular emission (e.g. due to deviations of line ratios from Cloudy predictions or to complicated gas kinematics that are different than stellar kinematics). Thus fitting nebular lines should take adavantage of the nebular line amplitude optimization/marginalization capabilities. For very low resolution data this is less of an issue.
  4. Spectrophotometric calibration. There are various options for dealing with the spectral continuum shape depending on how well you think your spectra are calibrated and if you also fit photometry to tie down the continuum shape. You can optimize out a polynomial “calibration” vector, or simultaneously fit for a polynomial and marginalize over the polynomial coefficients (this allows you to place priors on the accuracy of the spectrophotometric calibration). Or you can just take the spectrum as perfectly calibrated.

How do I fit for redshift as well as other parameters?

The simplest way is to just let the parameter specification for "zred" indicate that it is free and specify a prior for it (see Models). If you don’t include the "lumdist" parameter at all in the model_params dictionary, then the luminosity distance will be computed directly from the redshift assuming a WMAP9 cosmology.

The other thing to keep in mind when the redshift is free is that the SFH might be constrained by the age of the universe at that redshift (e.g. "tage" should always be less than t_univ(zred)). If this is a concern, you can use parameter transformations (again, see Models). Specifically for parametric SFHs one would make the "tage" parameter fixed but depend on prospect.models.transforms.tage_from_tuniv() and add a new "tage_tuniv" parameter that corresponds to "tage" as a fraction of the age of the universe (with values from 0-1).

What SFH parameters should I use?

That depends on the scientific question you are trying to answer, and to some extent on the data that you have.

How do I use the non-parametric SFHs?

Prospector is packaged with four families of non-parametric star formation histories. The simplest model fits for the (log or linear) mass formed in fixed time bins. This is the most flexible model but typically results in unphysical priors on age and specific star formation rates. Another model is the Dirichlet parameterization introduced in leja17, in which the fractional specific star formation rate for fixed each time bin follows a Dirichlet distribution. This model is moderately flexible and produces reasonable age and sSFR priors, but it still allows unphysical SFHs with sharp quenching and rejuvenation events. A third model, the continuity prior, trades some flexibility for accuracy by explicitly weighting against these (typically considered unphysical) sharply quenching and rejuvenating SFHs. This is done by placing a prior on the ratio of SFRs in adjacent time bins to ensure a smooth evolution of SFR(t). Finally, the flexible continuity prior retains this smoothness weighting but instead of fitting for the mass forms in fixed bins, fits for the size of time bins in which a fixed amount of mass is formed. This prior removes the discretization effect of the time bins in exchange for imposing a minimum mass resolution in the recovered SFH parameters. The performance of these different nonparametric models is compared and contrasted in detail in leja19.

In order to use these models, select the appropriate parameter set template to use in the model_params dictionary. You will also need to make sure to use the appropriate source object, prospect.sources.FastStepBasis.

The parameter templates are set up to transform from the sampling parameters (e.g. logsfr_ratios) to the fundamental parameters of the non-parametric SFH, the temporal bins and vector of masses formed in each bin. To change the bin widths or number of bins, several related aspects of the parameter set including the length of several parameters and the priors must be changed simultaneously. See :py:meth`prospect.models.templates.adjust_continuity_agebins` for an example.

What bins should I use for the non-parametric SFH?

Deciding on the “optimal” number of bins to use in such non-parametric SFHs is a difficult question. The pioneering work of ocvirk06 suggests approximately 10 independent components can be recovered from extremely high S/N R=10000 spectra (and perfect models). The fundamental problem is that the spectra of single age populations change slowly with age (or metallicity), so the contributions of each SSP to a composite spectrum are very highly degenerate and some degree of regularization or prior information is required. However, the ideal regularization depends on the (a priori unknown) SFH of the galaxy. For example, for a narrow burst one would want many narrow bins near the burst and wide bins away from it. Reducing the number of bins effectively amounts to collapsing the prior for the ratio of the SFR in two sub-bins to a delta-function at 1. Using too few bins can result in biases in the same way as the strong priors imposed by parametric models. Tests in `leja19 <<>>`_ suggest that ~5 bins are adequate to model covariances in basic parameters from photometry, but more bins are better to explore detailed constraints on SFHs.

So should I use emcee, nestle, or dynesty for posterior sampling?

We recommend using the dynesty nested sampling package.

In addition to the standard sampling phase which terminates based on the quality of the estimation of the Bayesian evidence, dyensty includes a subsequent dynamic sampling phase which, as implemented in Prospector, instead terminates based the quality of the posterior estimation. This permits the user to specify stopping criteria based directly on the quality of the posterior sampling with the nested_posterior_thresh keyword, providing direct control over the trade-off between posterior quality and computational time. A value of 0.02 for this keyword specifies high-quality posteriors, whereas a value of 0.05 will produce reasonable but approximate posteriors. Additionally, dynesty sampling can be parallelized in Prospector: this produces faster convergence time at the cost of lower computational efficiency (i.e., fewer model evaluations per unit computational time). It is best suited for fast evaluation of small samples of objects, whereas single-core fits produce more computationally efficient fits to large samples of objects.

What settings should I use for dynesty?

The default dynesty settings in Prospector are optimized for a low-dimensional (N=4-7) model. Higher-dimensional models with more complex likelihood spaces will likely require more advanced dynesty settings to ensure efficient and timely convergence. This often entails increasing the number of live points, changing to more robust sampling methodology (e.g., from uniform to a random walk), setting a maximum number of function calls, or altering the target evidence and posterior thresholds. More details can be found in speagle20 and the dynesty online documentation. The list of options and their default values can be seen with

from prospect.utils import prospect_args

The chains did not converge when using dynesty, why?

It is likely that they did converge; note that the convergence for MC sampling of a posterior PDF is not defined by the samples all tending toward the a single value, but as the distribution of samples remaining stable. The samples for a poorly constrained parameter will remain widely dispersed, even if the MC sampling has converged to the correct distribution

How do I use emcee in Prospector?

For each parameter, an initial value ("init" in the parameter specification) must be given. The ensemble of walkers is initialized around this value, with a Gaussian spread that can be specified separately for each parameter. Each walker position is evolved at each iteration using parameter proposals derived from an ensemble of the other walkers. In order to speed up initial movement of the cloud of walkers to the region of parameter space containing most of the probability mass, multiple user defined rounds of burn-in may be performed. After each round the walker distribution in parameter space is re-initialized to a multivariate Gaussian derived from the best 50% of the walkers (where best is defined in terms of posterior probability at the last iteration). The iterations in these burn-in rounds are discarded before a final production run. It is important to ensure that the chain of walkers has converged to a stable distribution of parameter values. Diagnosing convergence is fraught; a number of indicators have been proposed sharma17 including the auto-correlation time of the chain goodman10. Comparing the results of separate chains can also provide a sanity check.

When should I use optimization?

Optimization can be performed before ensemble MCMC sampling, to decrease the burn-in time of the MCMC algorithm. Prospector currently supports Levenburg-Marquardt least-squares optimization and Powell’s method, as implemented in SciPy. It is possible to start optimizations from a number of different parameter values, drawn from the prior parameter distribution, in order to mitigate the problems posed by local maxima.

How do I plot the best fit SED? How do I plot uncertainties on that?

Prospector can compute and store the SED prediction for the highest probability sample, in the "bestfit" group of the output HDF5 file.

Note that the highest probability sample is not the same as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) solution. The MAP solution inhabits a vanishingly small region of the prior parameter space; it is exceedingly unlikely that the MCMC sampler would visit exactly that location. Furthermore, when large degeneracies are present, the maximum a posteriori parameters may be only very slightly more likely than many solutions with very different parameters.

To plot uncertainties we recommend regenerating SED predictions for a fair sample from the posterior PDF and estimating quantiles of the flux at each wavelength.

How do I get the wavelength array for plotting spectra and/or photometry when fitting only photometry?

When fitting only photometry, the restframe wavelength array for the predicted spectrum can be found in the wavelengths attribute of prospect.sources.SSPBasis. The wavelengths of the filters can be obtained from the wave_effective attribute of each filter in the obs["filters"] list.

Should I fit spectra in the restframe or the observed frame?

You can do either if you are fitting only spectra. If fitting in the restframe then the distance has to be specified explicitly, otherwise it is inferred from the redshift.

If you are fitting photometry and spectroscopy then you should be fitting the observed frame spectra.

What priors should I use?

That depends on the scientific question and the objects under consideration. In general we recommend using informative priors (e.g. narrow Normal distributions) for parameters that you think might matter at all.

What happens if a parameter is not well constrained? When should I fix parameters?

If some parameter is completely unconstrained you will get back the prior. There are also (often) cases where you are “prior-dominated”, i.e. the posterior is mostly set by the prior but with a small perturbation due to small amounts of information supplied by the data. You can compare the posterior to the prior, e.g. using the Kullback-Liebler divergence between the two distributions, to see if you have learned anything about that parameter. Or just overplot the prior on the marginalized pPDFs

To be fully righteous you should only fix parameters if

  • you are very sure of their values;
  • or if you don’t think changing the parameter will have a noticeable effect on the model;
  • or if a parameter is perfectly degenerate (in the space of the data) with another parameter.

In practice parameters that have only a small effect but take a great deal of time to vary are often fixed.

What do I do about upper limits?

What do I do with the chain? What values should I report?

This is a general question for MC sampling techniques.

Why isn’t the posterior PDF centered on the highest posterior probability sample?

How do I interpret the lnprobability or lnp values? Why do I get lnp > 0?

How do I know if Prospector is “working”?